It started out with the most miniscule of instances, out of the corner of my eye I would catch a glimpse of something that I could just barely recognize or wasn’t used to seeing, like a strange figure at night or an off color in my field of view. There would be abnormal movement coming from the sewer grates as I walked to my place of work, a strange noise I would pick up in my dreary state before slipping out of consciousness, very out-of-place headaches coupled with sharp pains, and tv interference flashing bizarre but indiscernible, blink and you'll miss it imagery. Although these instances combined had put me in an uneasy state, ultimately, it did not do enough to convince my mind that there was something araye. It especially didn't occur to me that all of these circumstances and experiences were connected or had a deeper meaning in any way. That was until my first direct encounter with this force heavily altered my life and killed any chance of mental stability or security in this world I had left.